Soil Best
Soil Best: for the best soils!
Soil Best advises on soil improvement to ameliorate soil quality and soil fertility. Soil Best includes physical, chemical and biological components of the soil in its advice.
Analysis of the physical, chemical and biological components of the soil is the base for the advice. Soil Best recommends measures or a cultivation strategy with suitable products based on the analysis results. If desired, Soil Best can take care of the delivery of the advised products.
Soil Best is constantly developing novel products to improve soil quality and soil fertility. Soil Best also supplies its own products, the BioMyPro products. The BioMyPro products are approved biostimulants under (EU) 2019/1009 Regulation Module B. The product BioMyPro-NemC contains chitosan. The active substance chitosan is authorized as basic substance according to Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009. The BioMyPro products are allowed to apply in organic farming in The Netherlands.

Fundamental ideas
Soil Best focuses on improving soil quality and soil fertility in a sustainable way. Physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the soil are integrated. The soil consists of an interplay of these three characteristics. The physical, chemical and biological components influence each other. Soil Best therefore pays attention to the physical, chemical and biological aspects of the soil.
The advising of Soil is based on soil research.
Soil Best therefore offers various soil analyses. Soil Best is specialized in analyzing soil life, the biological component of soils. Analysis to determine the occurrence of pathogenic and symbiotic fungi in the root environment is one of the analyses offered by Soil Best. Soil Best also offers an analysis for the diversity of soil fungi, an analysis for the occurrence of soil bacteria and an analysis for earthworms.
Analyses of physical properties of the soil are also carried out by Soil Best, both in its laboratory and in the field. Soil Best also analyses soils for pH, EC, organic matter and moisture content. More complex analysis of a soil for the nutrient content is also possible.